What you need in your project
horizontal and vertical conveying solution
Let’s design it together.
Except for the control and control of the elevator, it does not require an additional machine room / room above the shaft, since all equipment is located in the elevator shaft. The elevator carrier motor is located in the shaft, on the last floor and generally on the side wall. (Rarely is also found in the back well wall).
For this reason, the height of the last stop is important. In cases where the machine is on the side wall, the width of the well must also be appropriate. Gear motors are used in machine room-less elevator systems. The absence of a machine room gives you access to the last floor or terrace as well as its architectural design advantages. With today’s technologies, it is not possible for very high-speed elevators to have a machine room. GTS installs the elevator motor on the elevator rails, not on the building wall. In this way, most of the loads affect the building foundation directly through the rails. This makes elevators in earthquake zones safer.
It is generally preferred in buildings without heavy traffic demand, villas, low-rise buildings and factories, public buildings etc. that require high carrying capacity. The advantage of hydraulic elevators is that the vertical static and dynamic loads are applied directly to the building foundation instead of the building, the vertical loads up to a certain capacity are reflected on only one well wall, as a result of not requiring a counterweight, it provides the possibility of smaller wells.
The fact that it is the most suitable solution for architectural demands such as flexible machine room location, multiple door entrances or all cabin walls being CAM makes hydraulic elevators still attractive today.
Panoramic elevators are indispensable for spacious spaces such as galleries and atrium, which are increasingly demanded in modern architectural building designs. Panoramic elevators have a privileged place among GTS special solutions.
The panoramic elevator is like a living organism that supports the dynamism of the building and establishes a relationship between the passenger and the building. In GTS Panoramic elevators, perfect designs that increase the value of the building are obtained by evaluating the aesthetic and dynamic needs of the building at the highest level.
Lift control system is the most important element of an elevator. Since its establishment, GTS has been a company that produces elevator control system design, project, manufacturing and software within its own structure. GTS engineers, who have international experience and equipment in the field of Electrical Engineering, design and manufacture in accordance with European Standards.
Instead of static and restricted functions, GTS control systems with expandable and changeable control equipment, the most economical and fast solutions to current and future building needs offers.
GTS Type of Controller / Technologies and Features
GTS MISIS Control- VVVF + Integrated
(Provides control systems compliant with 2014/33 / EU directive and EN81-20 standards)
GTS MISIS Control- Hydraulic / VVVF + PLC powered by MITSUBISHI
(Provides control systems compliant with 2014/33 / EU and 2006/42 / EC directives, EN81-20 / 21, EN81-31, EN81-41 standards)
It is possible to obtain a perfect cruising comfort with the new generation of multi-pole, gearless electric motors, also called Permanent Magnet -PM.
The most important advantages of PM motor are that it saves about 40-50% energy compared to geared systems, is suitable for machine roomless elevator design, low heating, silent operation and high comfort capability. It is the main feature that distinguishes PM machines from geared machines by reacting immediately against possible uncontrolled cabin movements. GTS uses PM-Gearless electric motor in almost all electric elevators, except for technical requirements.
We Design Aesthetics Together.
Almost none of our elevator cabin models are the same. In addition to functional cabins, GTS offers designs that meet special needs and special dimensions.
Our multinational competitors love to sell their standard designs to every project.
We like the production according to the building architectural concept.
Thanks to GTS Cabin options …
The gateway to technology.
GTS prefers the use of fully automatic doors in all elevators. The door is a component that the user contacts in the elevator and is very concerned with his safety. Therefore, they are open to external influences; It requires them to be durable, high performance and less error-free.
Our door options with a wide range and features suitable for the elevator type, place of use and purpose are an effective factor in choosing the GTS.